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Author Terms

This is terms of author responsibilities, process of selling your items & earn money with us. Demomebclub authority reserves the right to modify these terms without any prior notice.

Becoming an author:

Becoming an author and putting your items up on the Demomebclub Market is free but there is a review process. If you want to become an author you have to warrant few things, which are outlined in these Author Terms.


Each item you ‘sell’ on Demomebclub, you’re allowed to use that item to buyers and downloaders under certain conditions; you’re not actually selling the item itself. When you sell an item, includes a license directly to the buyer or downloader to use that item under the relevant license options that we set.

Item support:

The author can choose to support certain items or not. Each supported items includes a support period which can be extended by the buyers by purchase support extensions on these items. You can check on item page that you support or not a particular item.

Payment Schedule:

The author who sells their products on Demomebclub marketplace will get payments on 15th of every month for the last calendar month. That means revenue/balance of January will be paid on February 15th. 15 days hold of revenue/balance is because of fraud prevention measure.

Minimum Payment Balance:

The author can withdraw revenue/balance when author’s account balance reaches the minimum payment amount 50$. The balance will be carry forward to the next payment schedule if a author’s account balance doesn’t reach to that minimum amount in a certain month. The revenue is calculated until the last day of an eligible calendar month. The payment disbursement month’s revenue is not counted.

To better understand, here is an example: Suppose, an author has a $100 balance in account till January 31st. Amount of this month is to be paid on February 15th and the revenue between February 1st to February 15th will not be included in the exemplified payment. The revenue of February will be paid on March 15th. You can always check the available balance on your account dashboard.

Payment Methods:

The author can choose a specific payment method for making payment. Currently, we support PayPal as payment methods.

Refund Policy:

In case of any refunds, the respective author has to pay the refunded amount. If there is any transaction charge incur due to the refund, the concerned author is required to pay that fee. If there is insufficient balance in the author’s account to meet the refund payment, there will be a negative balance in his/her account which is to be adjusted from his/her item sales revenues.

Proper Information:

The author must provide correct and legitimate payment method information in order to withdraw their revenue from Demomebclub.
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