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Take advantage of Many Excellent Features on WordPress- Start Your Own Website Now!

Take advantage of Many Excellent Features on WordPress- Start Your Own Website Now!

Millions of bloggers and web developers use WordPress worldwide. The immense popularity of the content management platform is due to its excellent features and advantage over other service providers. Originally started as a simple blogging platform, it has developed to become the software choice for many businesses to run their website on. There are some excellent features and benefits provided by WordPress which have made it to the top of the list.

The key to success of WordPress is its ease of use and installation. It can be installed on any OS including Windows, Linux, Mac in just a few clicks of a mouse, with no technical skill involved. Moreover, it allows people with absolutely no technical skills to create unimaginable websites with ease! Even a high school kid can install and use WordPress on his system.

You can quickly customize your website appearance by using WordPress themes. Free and premium WordPress themes enable you to change the layout, color and look of your website. Just a few clicks and you can completely change how every page on your website looks. Whether you want your site to look like a newspaper, photo blog, e-commerce or education website or whatever, you can easily do this with WordPress. With thousands of paid and free themes available, you can easily make your website look unique.

It is critical for a business to rank on search engines like Google and Yahoo, WordPress is a program that has been specifically designed with SEO in mind and is much admired by them. With SEO friendly URL's, plugins to make it even more search engine friendly, built in RSS feeds and the ability to add XML sitemaps through plugins, you have a very search engine friendly website ready very quickly. No more spending hours messing around with your website, it's ready for the search engines as soon as it comes out of the box.

In addition, WordPress is incredibly easy to extend the functionalities. Add affiliate codes, AdSense adverts at a click. Use Google analytics and other plugins to track your users and keep an eye on the growth of the website. There are hundreds of plugins available which extend the functionality of WordPress and makes it do almost anything.

You can further make use of social media integration by connecting your social media profiles with your website. You can easily share your site updates with your friends, colleagues and subscribers. WordPress is indeed an advantageous platform for those who own an online business or starting a blog. Almost every industry, right from travel, health, technology to entertainment can take the benefits of the world's most used CMS platform.

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